When was your Library established?
1971. Please go to our History page for more information on the history of the Library.
When do your summer hours begin and when do they change back to winter hours?
Normally our hours of operation change in July to summer hours. They change back to winter hours in late August or early September. Please click on the “HOURS” TAB/LINK for detailed information about our hours.
What are your policies on lending books, VHS, DVD, and Audiobooks?
The above items are loaned for two week periods. The above items’ loan periods can be renewed/extended for another two weeks if needed by phone (if no answer leave a detailed message), email or in person. The above items cannot be renewed for an extra two weeks if they have been put on reserve for another patron. The above items must be returned in the same condition as they were loaned out in. You cannot borrow the above items on someone else’s library membership card. If any of the above items are lost, stolen or damaged the patron who borrowed the above items must pay for them in full or buy a NEW replacement of the exact same item. Our library does have certain books that are only available to view inside the library and they are not allowed out on loan.
What are your policies on lending out the Computer Projector?
The projector is loaned out for a maximum of one week. If it is needed longer, the loan period can be extended at the discretion of the library staff. Longer borrowing periods are permitted when the projector has not been reserved for another patron or organization. The projector must be returned in the same condition it was loaned out in. Every attachment, cord, parts and the manual must be returned with the projector. You cannot borrow the projector on someone else’s library membership card. If the projector is lost, stolen, damaged, missing parts, or missing attachments and cords, the patron who borrowed the projector must pay for the projector in full or buy a new replacement of the exact same projector.
How much are late fees for books and Audiobooks?
Late books are charged .10 cents per day.
How much are late fees for VHS and DVD’s?
Late movie loans are charged $1.00 PER DAY PER MOVIE.
How much are late fees for Projector Loan?
These late fees are at the sole discretion of the Librarian.
What is the cost for printing, photocopying, or faxing?
A full page color print depends on amount of color on page, charged at the discretion of the Librarian; $1.00 – $3.00/page.
A full page, ½ page or ¼ page black and white print is .25 cents.
We only offer black and white photocopying. All copies are .25 cents per page.
All faxes 1 – 5 pages $1.00/page; 5+ pages $5.00 flat rate.
How do I get a Library Membership?
You need to apply for a membership in person. You will need to bring ID as well as proof of residence (example being a utility bill). You will need to provide your name, street address, mailing address, postal code, home phone number, work phone number if applicable and an email address if available.
NOTE: Email addresses are required if you:
- Want to use our online OPAC system (this allows you to view our book collection online).
- Would like to sign into your online Library account (this allows you to see what you’ve read, the books you have out on loan, and when your books are due).
- Would like to use our Overdrive App for iPhone/Pad (this allows you to skip using the computer and view your Library account and also allows you to view our library collection right on your smartphone).
- Want to use our Inter-library loan service and register for fILL (this service allows you to order books we do not have in our own library collection from other Manitoba libraries).
- Would like to be able to download free eBooks from Manitoba eLibraries onto your smartphone, eReader or home computer/laptop.
What does it cost for a Library Membership?
If you are a resident of the Riverdale Municipality, your Library membership is free.
If you live outside of these two areas, you are considered a non-resident and a one year membership is $20.00.
Children’s membership applications must be filled out by a parent or guardian and will be attached electronically to the parent or guardian’s membership account. All late, damaged, missing or any other fees incurred by the child will be added to the parent’s library account. A child cannot have a membership without one parent or legal guardian having an adult membership as well.
Can I use the computers and go on the internet in the library?
Any adult may use the computers and access the internet in our computer lab. We do not charge for computer use for members although we request a donation towards computer maintenance from any non-members who would like to use our lab.
Any child 15 years old and under must have an Internet Agreement signed by their parent(s) or legal guardian before accessing the internet in our Library.
Any child who is 9 years old or under, must be accompanied/supervised by an adult or someone who is over 15 who has been designated by parent/guardian, to be responsible for the safety and supervision of said child. This “chaperone” must not be using a computer at the same time and must sit with the said child. The designated “chaperone or supervisor” must be named in writing on the signed Internet Agreement before said child is allowed to access the internet in our Library.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTS: We are not responsible, nor can we constantly monitor the websites or contents that your child may be viewing over the internet in our Library. Therefore, once an Internet Agreement is signed by a parent/legal guardian, it is up to the parent to police their child and the content they view over the internet in our Library.
Please see our Services page for more information about our computer lab.
When are you open?
Please see our Hours page for a detailed list of hours that we are open.
Do you have any special Collections or Programs?
During the winter we have a FRIDAY PRE-SCHOOLERS READING & CRAFT PROGRAM. During the during the summer months (July & August) we offer a children’s reading and craft program. Please see “Special Collections/Programs” Tab/Section.
I can’t find the book I want, how can I get it?
Please see our Services page for more information about Inter-library loans.
Can I access my Library account online?
Please see our Services page for more information about accessing your library account online.
Can I download eBooks for free from the Library?
Please see our Services page for more information about downloading free eBooks from the library.
How do I work my eReader?
Unfortunately due to Library Policy we are unable to help you with your eReader. You can either contact the manufacturer or your reader or click on the eLibraries link below and then click on the help button. The information you need regarding compatibility, downloading, lending periods, etc. should be listed there.
How can I view our Library’s collection of books online?
You can view our Library’s collection by going to the “LIBRARY OPAC” tab/section on this website. Just enter your search criteria. You can also view our collection by logging into your account online. Please see our Services page for more information about accessing your library account online.
How can I renew my books, movies or projector loan?
You can request a loan renewal for any item checked out through your library account by phone (if there is no answer please leave a detailed message), email or in person. Please see our Contact Us page for contact information.
Does the Library hold any special Events?
Our Library holds special events such as book signings, Author book readings, Author appearances, Author’s special seminars, Teas, parties, fundraisers and book sales from time to time. You can find out about these events in person as we will always advertise within the Library, by phone (if no answer please leave a detailed message and we can call you back), and by email (send us your questions). Please see our Contact Us page.
Does the Library sell any books?
Our Library holds a used book sale from time to time. You can find out about these used book sales in person as we will always advertise within the Library, by phone (if no answer please leave a detailed message and we can call you back), and by email (send us your questions). Please see our Contact Us page for all contact information.
Our Library also tries to help out local Authors by selling their books in our Library. A portion of all proceeds to the Author is given to our Library as a donation. The books that are available will vary so feel free to contact us regarding which books we have at this time. Please see our Contact Us page for all contact information.
Does the Library have a Facebook Page?
Our Library now has a Facebook Page (please click “Like”) and we also have a Personal Facebook Profile which you can add as a friend.
Does the Library have Large Print Books available?
Yes we have many large print books available in our collection. We also have a Large Print Rotation of books that travel throughout Manitoba libraries that arrive at our library. We send out/ receive a new rotation every 4 months.
How does my opinion about the Library make a difference?